Seeding the roof of the rue des Poissonniers project ensemencement-poissonniers-prairie-vignette

[Research] Seeding the roof of the rue des Poissonniers project

Vegetation & Architecture, Biodiversity Pavilion architecture-vegetal-pavillon-bap-vignette2

[Exhibition] Vegetation & Architecture, Biodiversity Pavilion

Built Work, Archives 2008-2022 archives-built-work

[Edition] Built Work, Archives 2008-2022

Restoring high-rise districts : residency in Chicago residence-chicago-vignette

[Research] Restoring high-rise districts : residency in Chicago

The green roof of the Science and Biodiversity School, Les petits ruisseaux, February 2023 petits-ruisseaux-toiture-vegetalisee-ecole-sciences-biodiversite

[Podcast] The green roof of the Science and Biodiversity School, Les petits ruisseaux, February 2023

« Systems » at the 5th edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial systemes-exposition-chicago-04

[Exhibition] « Systems » at the 5th edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial

I.S.A., 3D printed clay bricks for living walls isa-briques-terre-cuite-imprimees-3d-parois-vivantes-02

[Research] I.S.A., 3D printed clay bricks for living walls

Rooftops gardens, heritage and foresight of a singular construction jardins-couverture-vignette2

[Research] Rooftops gardens, heritage and foresight of a singular construction

From the meadows of Marly to the roof of the Biodiversity School in Boulogne fauche-boulogne

[Research] From the meadows of Marly to the roof of the Biodiversity School in Boulogne

How to integrate the living into the city? Esprit des lieux, France Culture, April 2023 france-culture-esprit-lieux-comment-integrer-vivant-ville-vignette2

[Podcast] How to integrate the living into the city? Esprit des lieux, France Culture, April 2023

Hosting life : Architecture as an ecosystem ouvrage-accueillir-le-vivant-02

[Edition] Hosting life : Architecture as an ecosystem

Prototypes of rue Buffon faire-pavillon-museum-22

[Research] Prototypes of rue Buffon

Contribution to the exhibition

[Exhibition] Contribution to the exhibition "La Préséance du vivant"

«Conserve, Adapt, Transmit» contribution-exposition-conserver-adapter-transmettre-8-copie

[Exhibition] «Conserve, Adapt, Transmit»

Et si l’architecture était liée au sensible grâce à des hybridités entre vivant et bâti ? Champs Critiques, Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture, octobre 2022 architecture-sensible-hybridites-vivant-bati-champs-critiques-ecole-speciale-architecture

[Conference] Et si l’architecture était liée au sensible grâce à des hybridités entre vivant et bâti ? Champs Critiques, Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture, octobre 2022

Making a System, urban concept process on the La Défense district faire-systeme-la-defense-01

[Edition] Making a System, urban concept process on the La Défense district

Myr Muratet, photographic report, Young workers residence, Porte des Lilas, Paris (20th) reportage-photo-foyer-lilas-myr-muratet-11

[Contribution] Myr Muratet, photographic report, Young workers residence, Porte des Lilas, Paris (20th)

Contribution to the exhibition

[Exhibition] Contribution to the exhibition "Architecture of Cohabitations"

For an urban ecological restoration restauration-ecologique-marion-waller-02

[Contribution] For an urban ecological restoration

Myr Muratet, photographic report #2, Biodiversity School, Boulogne-Billancourt reportage-photo-ecole-boulogne-myr-muratet-00

[Contribution] Myr Muratet, photographic report #2, Biodiversity School, Boulogne-Billancourt

Hosting life in architecture, Où est le beau ? November 2021 ou-beau-accueillir-vivant-architecture

[Podcast] Hosting life in architecture, Où est le beau ? November 2021

An island refuge, Aurélien Huguet ilot-refuge-aurelien-huget-04

[Contribution] An island refuge, Aurélien Huguet

Myr Muratet, photographic report, Tafanel logistics hub, Paris (19th) reportage-photo-pole-logistique-tafanel-myr-muratet-11

[Contribution] Myr Muratet, photographic report, Tafanel logistics hub, Paris (19th)

Hosting life : a research accueillir-vivant-recherche-10

[Research] Hosting life : a research

Resource building batiment-ressource-11

[Article] Resource building

Ecological monitoring of biodiversity flore-friches-urbaines-02

[Research] Ecological monitoring of biodiversity

An experiment in ecological restoration une-experience-de-restauration-ecologique-09

[Research] An experiment in ecological restoration

The Pinard super-equipment, CAUE de Paris, 2022 super-equipement-pinard-caue-paris3

[Podcast] The Pinard super-equipment, CAUE de Paris, 2022

Interview with Aurélien Huguet entretien-aurelien-huguet07

[Contribution] Interview with Aurélien Huguet

The Périphérique, Aurélien Bellanger peripherique-interieur-aurelien-bellanger-02

[Contribution] The Périphérique, Aurélien Bellanger

Boat for People, Sébastien Marot & Myr Muratet boat-for-people-sebastien-marot-07

[Contribution] Boat for People, Sébastien Marot & Myr Muratet

Myr Muratet, photographic report #1, Biodiversity School, Boulogne-Billancourt reportage-photo-ecole-boulogne-myr-muratet-04

[Contribution] Myr Muratet, photographic report #1, Biodiversity School, Boulogne-Billancourt

Article by Philippe Clergeau preface-philippe-clergeau-03

[Contribution] Article by Philippe Clergeau

From material to space, Pavillon de l'Arsenal, November 2019 matiere-espace-conference-pavillon-arsenal-vignette

[Conference] From material to space, Pavillon de l'Arsenal, November 2019